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Get Help Reviewing Your Health Insurance Options

From now through January 15, 2025, individuals who need health insurance for 2025 can enroll in a plan and could potentially qualify for help paying their monthly premium and other health care costs. NCCHCA is available to help you review your options.

If you would like to speak with an enrollment assister about health insurance options for you or a family member and receive help enrolling in a health plan, please call 919-655-0398 or fill out the form below. We will be in touch soon! Assistance is free and unbiased.

Si desea hablar con un asistente de inscripción sobre las opciones de seguro médico y recibir ayuda para inscribirse en un plan de salud para usted o un miembro de su familia, llame al 919-655-0398 o complete el formulario a continuación. ¡Estaremos en contacto! La asistencia es gratuita e imparcial.

Interest Form / Formulario de interés

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CHCs Need Helene Recovery Support - Give Now

Western NC health centers have stepped up to provide incredible service to their communities, acting immediately after the storm to re-open sites, deliver supplies, and volunteer in shelters, public housing complexes, and senior living centers, bringing care to their most vulnerable neighbors. Now it’s our turn to support these health care heroes and help them rebuild their communities:

Donate to the Disaster Fund