NCCHCA Member Login

NC Community Health Center Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

The North Carolina Community Health Association Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) provides shared services and strategic sourcing solutions for North Carolina’s health centers. The GPO leverages community health center purchasing power to generate maximum savings for members. Individual community health centers and lookalike organizations may enroll as GPO members and utilize the Association’s group purchasing program as a free benefit.


The NCCHCA GPO welcomes applications from interested vendors to provide services to our members. Vendors who have an interest in joining the NCCHCA GPO must first complete the online application form and pay a $175 application fee.

Note: Completing the application and payment of the application fee does not render immediate GPO acceptance. Organizations do not become GPO members until the vetting process has been completed.

GPO vendor applications are reviewed regularly by NCCHCA staff and the NCCHCA GPO subcommittee. During this vetting process, we will notify you by email if the GPO subcommittee requests additional information or a demonstration. Once a decision has been made by the subcommittee, you will be notified by email if the application is approved pending contract negotiations or if the application is declined.

GPO contracts are reviewed annually for maximum savings and relevance to GPO members, and each GPO vendor must reapply every three years.

GPO Vendor Selection Process

Vendor Application Elements

An overview of your organization including products and services, with key services highlighted

An overview of your organization including products and services, with key services highlighted

Your organization’s current group purchasing contractual relationships

Your organization’s current group purchasing contractual relationships


References from current clients, including community health centers or similar non-profits

Application Fee

Non-refundable $175 application fee (payable online or by check following submission of application)


Upon acceptance to the GPO as a vendor, a contract will be negotiated between the GPO and vendor organization, outlining details of the vendor benefits and obligations.


The GPO consolidates the purchasing power of our members and drives customers to vendor organizations.

Vendors receive NCCHCA member contact information; opportunity to address one relevant workgroup or committee per year; personal introductions by NCCHCA to leadership of up to two high-priority health centers; and their vendor services are highlighted on NCCHCA website.



NCCHCA GPO Vendors can be found here.


Discounts: Vendors are expected to offer significant price discounts to GPO members.

Customer service: Contact new members to discuss the vendor’s products and services offered through the GPO. This may include providing a detailed business analysis examining usage patterns, current pricing and recommendations for efficiency. Provide excellent customer service to members on an ongoing basis.

Administrative fee: Pay a pre-negotiated administrative fee to the NCCHCA GPO quarterly, based on overall purchase and usage volume of GPO members. Administrative fees are used to offset program costs and fund NCCHCA programs and services that benefit association members. In line with safe harbor provisions. NCCHCA GPO reports to members annually the cumulative fees paid per contract to the NCCHCA GPO.

Reports: Provide quarterly sales reports to NCCHCA

Sponsorship:  Further details on conferences and sponsorship opportunities are available from Karen Pryce (contact details below).


Karen L Pryce, MBA, MHA

Director of Business Development

NC Community Health Center Association

Direct: 919-297-0014

GPO Application

CHCs Need Helene Recovery Support - Give Now

Western NC health centers have stepped up to provide incredible service to their communities, acting immediately after the storm to re-open sites, deliver supplies, and volunteer in shelters, public housing complexes, and senior living centers, bringing care to their most vulnerable neighbors. Now it’s our turn to support these health care heroes and help them rebuild their communities:

Donate to the Disaster Fund