NCCHCA is the HRSA funded state Primary Care Association (PCA). The non-profit, consumer-governed Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) we represent provide integrated medical, dental, pharmacy, behavioral health, and enabling services to nearly one-half million patients in North Carolina. FQHCs receive federal assistance to provide sliding-fee services to assure no one is denied access to care. NCCHCA represents FQHCs to state and federal officials and provides training and technical assistance on clinical, operational, financial, administrative, and governance issues.
NCCHCA is also a HRSA Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) grantee currently in the third three-year grant cycle. Thirty-five NC health centers are members of the HCCN. Participating in the HCCN, health centers can work together on leveraging health information technology for better operational and clinical outcomes.
NCCHCA is the sponsor and managing partner of Carolina Medical Home Network (CMHN), which serves as the clinically integrated network and operational performance improvement organization of NCCHCA and member health centers.