Funding (Newest items first)
New NACHC Resource: Keeping Track of Federal Funding Sources for FQHCs re: COVID-19
The much-anticipated spreadsheet of Federal Funding Sources related to COVID-19 is live: NACHC has prepared a large spreadsheet which consolidates a range of information on seven sources of Federal funds related to COVID-19 (H8C, H8D, H8E, Provider Relief Fund, Paycheck Protection Loans, reimbursement for uninsured patients, and FCC telehealth funding). For each funding source, the spreadsheet outlines key requirements, deadlines, amounts, and rules around eligible expenses.
NCCHCA sent the below letter to Congress Supporting NACHC’s Funding Request
NCCHCA Letter in Support of NACHC Legislative Requests for COVID19 Response 05.07.2020
Information about FCC Telehealth Grants
FCC COVID-19 Telehealth Instructions
Eligible parties for funding: The COVID-19 Telehealth Program limits participation to nonprofit and public eligible health care providers that fall within the following categories (funding priority given to entities with greatest need and supporting high-risk and vulnerable populations):
- Community health centers or health centers providing health care to migrants
- Local health departments or agencies
- and many others
Steps and Instructions to Apply
- Download a fillable PDF form for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program application
- Fill in the entries and answer the questions on the form
- Save the form with the following filename template: FRN_ApplicantName_MMDDYYYY (date application submitted)
- Email the completed form and supporting documentation to
- Questions regarding the application process can be emailed to
What to do before filing an application
- Obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the Commission Registration System (CORES), as well as a CORES username and password at that link
- Obtain an eligibility determination from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by filing FCC Form 460 through My Portal on USAC’s webpage
- Register with the federal System for Award Management (SAM)
Information from FQHC COVID-19 Task Force 4/10/2020
Slides :
COVID- 19 – NCCHCA Webinar – 4.9.2020
2020 Grant & PPP Update NCCHCA
IRS Information on Employee Retention Credit:
NACHC Letter for Attachment to PPP Applications:
NACHC Resource on Cash Flow Options for Health Centers with Over 500 Employees:
Q&A list coming soon!
AHEC Tip Sheet: The following tip sheet is a resource for healthcare providers operating small businesses and are interested in loans or financial assistance related to COVID-19. Additional information will be added to this document as new developments arise.
AHEC COVID19 Practice Financial Health Tipsheet
In addition, the NC Center for Nonprofits has summarized the nonprofit provision in the CARES Act and the National Council of Nonprofits has developed a comparison chart of loans available to nonprofits. These resources are not specific to FQHCs.