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MId Level Provider-Agricultural Health




Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center


Ahoskie, North Carolina • All Counties

Date Needed:

August 31, 2022

Type Of Position:

Full Time

Education Required:


Experience Required:

1-2 year(s)

Date Of Job Posting:

July 19, 2022

Job Description:

As a condition of employment, all Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center new hires are required to be COVID-19 vaccinated prior to your first day of employment. Accommodations to begin the vaccination process can be scheduled with RCCHC’s Occupational Health on your first day should you choose to do so. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), reasonable accommodations can be made for employees with disabilities that prevent them from receiving the vaccine. Similarly, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals who notify us of sincerely held religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving the vaccine.

POSITION TITLE: Mid-Level Provider Agricultural Health

REPORTS TO: Chief Medical Officer




POSITION SUMMARY: The Mid-Level Provider assists in providing health care for patients under supervision of MD. Provides clinical coordination for patients with concentration on the first 24 hours of care. Fosters the Educational Development of Patients and Families. Supports the care of the patient through the system with an emphasis on quality outcomes. The Mid-Level Provider will model behaviors consistent with the published values and the Code of Conduct of RCCHC.

POPULATION SERVED: Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center will provide open access, community-oriented primary care of the highest quality to all residents, migrants and seasonal farmworkers, as well as, visitors of Hertford, Bertie, Northampton, Gates, Washington and surrounding counties, regardless of their ability to pay.


Licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina
Board certified or eligible
Maintains current DEA number
Master’s degree in Nursing or Science in Physician Assistant Studies and two years post training within a practice preferred
Must accept the several principles of community healthcare which include but are not limited to the following; commitment to serve patients regardless of their ability to pay, commitment to practices of health promotion and disease prevention, skill or aptitude in the management of physician and non-physician medical personnel
Works effectively with others and is able to organize workload, as well as assume responsibility and maintain confidentiality
Must be able to work independently, exercise appropriate decision making skills, and function effectively on a team.
Must possess focused care on Agricultural Health
Must be able to speak and communicate clearly and effectively


Treat patients in the clinic who have appointments as well as “walk-in” patients
Participate with on call rotations with other providers
Practice cost conscious and cost effective medical care
Provide consultation with other medical providers at RCCHC
Ensure each medical encounter is documented appropriately and in a timely manner
Review laboratory data daily and take appropriate action promptly
Comply with all performance standards set by RCCHC and those required by an agency providing funds
Serve on one or more committees that provide performance improvement assurance for clinical practice at RCCHC
Attend medical staff meetings and participate in CME activities
Participate as an active member of the RCCHC team
Maintain compliance with workflows, policies and procedures as well as other activities to support PCMH model of care and accreditation


The Provider shall devote their best professional skill and services in practicing medicine in accordance with the customary rules of ethics and conduct of the general practice of medicine, and specifically, as set forth by the North Carolina Board of Examiners.
The Provider will comply with RCCHC’s requirements for: pre-employment drug and alcohol screening, criminal background check, and national databank search, with the understanding that any incriminating results are grounds for dismissal.
The Provider will complete all required Federal and State onboarding processes, forms, applications, etc., whether through paper form or electronic submission.
Provider will meet fulltime or part-time minimum hours as designated in addendum.
Provider shall be entitled to cumulative sick, vacation and holiday or accruals based on years of service per the Center’s policy.
Full time status Providers are encouraged to take up to 5 paid working days for Continuing Medical Education (CME) annually. Request for CME leave must be approved in advance by Center. Full Time Providers are allowed a maximum allowance of up to $3,000 for documented CME expenses, and lab coat purchase, per center’s calendar year, in order to maintain the professional status as a medical provider and subject to the availability of finds based on Center’s actual financial performance compared to the board approved operating budget. CME leave and allowances are noncumulative and are forfeited upon the termination of Provider’s employment for any reason.
Provider agrees to arrive at work on-time and to productively work during all hours scheduled.
The Provider is required to obtain and retain a state medical license and DEA number.
The Provider will participate in at least one (1) of Center’s Community Service Programs, Committees, and/or Quality Improvement Initiatives each quarter. Community Service Programs include Health Fairs, educational programs presented to the public and to civic, service, business and religious organizations, and other community health education programs. During Migrant Seasonal Farmworker peak Season Provider may participate in off-site, after hours medical programs to meet the Community Service requirement. Committees may include any subcommittee created within the organization to address a need or task requiring clinical leadership. If Center fails to offer any such opportunities during the quarter, Provider is deemed to have met this requirement.
The Provider agrees to provide direct medical care to all patients accepted for services at RCCHC, and will follow proper protocol and the leadership of the Chief Medical Officer when it seems necessary to dismiss any patients who prove to be too difficult, disruptive or dangerous to serve.
The Provider agrees to provide all information needed to complete all Licensure Credentialing process, procedure, and paperwork as directed by RCCHC to obtain Federal Tort Claims Act coverage for the providers work with RCCHC and to obtain payment for services.
The provider agrees to manage a panel of patients utilizing chronic care registries and health maintenance registries, and the provider will set the tone of team care engagement.
The Provider also acknowledges that all fees collected as a result of professional services rendered shall be the property of the Corporation.
The Provider agrees to complete all required documentation of medical records (electronically and in some situation using paper) in a timely manner (48 hours, unless otherwise notified) to completeness of documentation and to support billing activities to be done by other RCCHC staff.
The Provider agrees that RCCHC has the right to discuss all such issues with any officials, including such authorities as the hospital administration, the Chief Medical Officer, physician-led committees, state medical boards, or any other licensing or credentialing authority, etc. The Provider has no “right to privacy” regarding any issue that has implications for quality of care or qualifications or skills or job relevant behaviors of the Provider.
The Provider agrees to fully disclose any and all such information, sanctions, reprimands or performance feedback to RCCHC within two weeks of its reception.
The Provider shall perform such administrative and managerial duties as may be assigned to him/her by RCCHC (CEO/CMO) from time to time, including but not limited to, regular health center management, Quality Improvement meetings, and clinical policy and procedure development, review and/or revision, training sessions, which may occasionally be held at Lunch or after-hours dinner meetings.
The Provider will devote full time attention to rendering quality professional services on behalf of the Corporation. Outside Employment is permitted as long as it does not interfere with work at RCCHC. Specifically, the provider must not divert RCCHC patients to another practice.
The Provider agrees to cooperate with operational initiatives for improvement of the business.
The Provider agrees with RCCHC’s mission of improving access to care and agrees to work a schedule of patients that roughly corresponds to 15-30 minutes per patient, with 30 minutes for new patients and physicals.
The Provider agrees to see “walk-ins” on short notice, as needed and as possible, such as fill empty time slots on the schedule created by “no-shows” and to promote patient access to care.
The Provider agrees that the site leader controls the schedule and holds the authority to schedule patients in accordance with RCCHC policy and standard operating procedures. RCCHC acknowledges that the Site Leader will work with the Provider to optimize use of time in providing access to quality care for our patients.
The Provider agrees not to arbitrarily refuse to see patients, except with approval by the Chief Medical Officer, such as when a patient is a potential danger, a disruptive influence on operations, or a drug seeker. See Discharge Policy for more detail.
The Provider agrees to provide a written notice of resignation 90 days in advance of the last day of work. (If the Provider quits work and fails to give at least 90 days advance notice, the Provider forfeits all accrual vacation leave and will be required to repay any monetary advances, costs of processing visas, work permits, etc.).

Provider represents and warrants to Employer that:

Provider is not subject to any other restraints which would impair or encumber Provider’s ability or authority to perform the duties described in this Agreement;

Provider is not currently a party to any claim or lawsuit involving Provider’s prior medical practice and knows of no facts which would cause Provider to believe any claim or lawsuit would be filed; and

Provider has not been excluded from participation in any federal health care program, as defined under 42 U.S.C. 1320a-7b(f), for the provision of items or services for which payment may be made under such federal health care programs. No final adverse action, as such term is defined under 42 U.S.C. 1320a-7e(g), has occurred or is pending or threatened against Provider.

Other job duties may be required that are not listed above.

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CHCs Need Helene Recovery Support - Give Now

Western NC health centers have stepped up to provide incredible service to their communities, acting immediately after the storm to re-open sites, deliver supplies, and volunteer in shelters, public housing complexes, and senior living centers, bringing care to their most vulnerable neighbors. Now it’s our turn to support these health care heroes and help them rebuild their communities:

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