In states that do not expand Medicaid, many adults fall into a “coverage gap” of having incomes above Medicaid eligibility limits but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credit (Kaiser Family Foundation). Because North Carolina did not expand Medicaid, we have hundreds of thousands of people that fall into this coverage gap.
Percentage of Community Health Center patients with different kinds of insurance coverage, or non coverage, in 2019
Click to view and download our August 2022 Issue Brief on Medicaid Expansion
Join one or both of two coalitions working to expand coverage in North Carolina.
Health Action NC (HANC) or Care for Carolina (C4C),
Also, find out how expansion could help your county. County reports can be found here.
Health Action NC wants to hear from some of the 300,000 uninsured North Carolinians who have fallen into the health coverage gap because of our state’s decision to not expand Medicaid. Personal stories are the most powerful tool we have in our fight to expand access to quality affordable healthcare. By telling your story, you put a face on the Tar Heels whose lives would be improved if they could get the health care they need. These stories will be at the center of our advocacy work for Medicaid expansion during the 2019 North Carolina Legislative Session.
Please contact us if you have any questions about stories you might want to share.
If you’d rather leave your story in a voice message, please call 1-833-831-2035. We will not use any stories without your consent, and we can accommodate anyone that wants to remain anonymous.
North Carolina could help as many as 400,000 North Carolinians who lack access to affordable health insurance. Federal funding is set aside to provide insurance to this population.
In partnership with the Health Access Project in 2016, we collected stories from CHC patients and assembled a Close the Gap Storybook.
Western NC health centers have stepped up to provide incredible service to their communities, acting immediately after the storm to re-open sites, deliver supplies, and volunteer in shelters, public housing complexes, and senior living centers, bringing care to their most vulnerable neighbors. Now it’s our turn to support these health care heroes and help them rebuild their communities: