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Carolina Medical Home Network Accountable Care Organization Outperforms Targets

Monday, October 15, 2018

For Immediate Release.
Contact Peter Freeman

Raleigh: Carolina Medical Home Network (CMHN) saved Medicare $3.1 million dollars in 2017 by implementing value-based care strategies to control cost and utilization.  Recently released CMS Accountable Care Organization (ACO) results show that CMHN has been on an upward trajectory on controlling cost since their inception in 2015.  Our ACO health centers spent 16% less per patient per year than the National Fee-for-Service peer group and outperformed the All Medicare Shared Savings ACO peer group.

In 2015, the NC Community Health Care Association created an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) under the umbrella of Carolina Medical Home Network (CMHN).   In 2017 the CMHN ACO was comprised of eight health centers: Advance CHC, Caswell Family Medical Center, Gaston Family Health Services, Goshen Medical Center, Hot Springs Health Program, Piedmont Health Services, Roanoke-Chowan CHC, and Rural Health Group.  The ACO is in a Medicare Shared Savings (MSSP) Track 1 model, which is a no-risk model that allows for potential shared savings of up to 50% after surpassing a minimum savings threshold.

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